What exactly is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a brain-based condition. It causes difficulty with reading, spelling, writing and sometimes speaking. In people with dyslexia, the brain has trouble recognizing or processing certain types of information. This can include matching letter sounds and symbols (such as the letter b making the buh sound) and blending them together to make words.
Some people with dyslexia don’t have trouble sounding out or “decoding” words. But they may struggle to understand what they read. It can be very hard for people with dyslexia to read in a way that’s automatic, or seemingly without effort.
Like other types of learning and attention issues, dyslexia is a lifelong condition. Children don’t outgrow it.
Characteristics of dyslexia often include:
- Difficulty associating sounds with letters and letters with sounds
- Confusion when pronouncing words and phrases, such as saying “mawn lower” instead of “lawn mower”
- Difficulty reading aloud with the proper tone and grouping words and phrases together appropriately
- Difficulty “sounding out” unfamiliar words
- Trouble writing or copying letters, numbers and symbols in the correct order
- Trouble rhyming
Why is dyslexia confused with other learning issues?
Dyslexia is thought to be the most common kind of learning and attention issue. The majority of kids with learning issues have features of dyslexia. This is probably why dyslexia gets confused with the following learning and attention issues.
Dyscalculia, sometimes called “math dyslexia,” causes problems for kids when it comes to reading, writing and understanding numbers. While kids with dyslexia struggle with letters and words, kids with dyscalculia often:
- Read numbers incorrectly
- Have trouble copying and writing math numbers and symbols
- Have trouble with math concepts, such as counting, measuring and estimating
- Struggle to master the “basics” (such as doing quick addition and subtraction in their head) that are key to working independently and efficiently
Kids with ADHD also may struggle with reading, comprehension and writing, just as kids with dyslexia do. As many as a third to a half of all kids with ADHD have co-occurring learning issues like dyslexia. It’s often hard to tease apart whether one or both of these issues is contributing to a child’s difficulties. The hallmarks of ADHD (but not dyslexia) are problems with behaviour and learning that stem from inattention, impulsivity and over-activity.
Although dyslexia is common, it’s frequently confused with other learning and attention issues. Understanding the characteristics of dyslexia—and how it overlaps with or is distinct from other issues—will give you a better handle on the kinds of learning and attention issues that may be affecting your child.
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